
Friday, October 25, 2013

1 in 8

I love these fabrics?  Aren't they the greatest?  I love them for so many reasons....
My niece-the-quilter gave them to me.
I love pink.
I love that salmon can be pink and that the "white" one is pink when compared to white.
I love the hot pink.  It is really HOT!
I love they are Konas and feel like a dream.
I love that I have leftovers.
Here's what I don't love.
I don't love that we still have to have a month devoted to breast cancer.
I don't love that 1 in 8 of the females reading this blog will get breast cancer (at least in the US).
I don't love that we do not have a cure.
I don't love that too many women I do love have had breast cancer.

If you're a reader of my blog periodically, you may have read this post entitled a Quilter's Fairy Tale last year.  This is a tribute to a special friend who successfully fought IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer).  But it was a terrible battle.
This year I happen to be reading the book "The Emperor of All Maladies" by Siddhartha Mukherjee. Subtitled "The Biography of Cancer" -- it is fascinating and horrifying at the same time.  I am particularly interested in the references to breast cancer early in the book.
Would you believe the first documented case of cancer was breast cancer and was noted in an Egyptian papyrus believed to be from the teachings of Imhotep who lived around 2625 BC.  It's a very clinical description.  The next documented case of cancer appears to be IBC and Atossa, the queen of Persia, around 440 BC. What's the irony in that?  The first two cases of documented cancer are still being battled today!
Since it's October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month -- and this is a pink pink pink quilt -- I'm linking to Amy's Creative Side's Blogger's Quilt Festival.  If you have a chance, check it out.  She does a wonderful job of providing an opportunity for all quilting blogs to post and for us to wander through a quilt show of blogs.  There are prizes and voting and, most of all, inspiration.  I'm going to link under the "Throw" category (I did think about 2 color but I thought that was stretching it!) -- not because I'm soliciting votes but because I hope a bunch of women will read this post and make sure they are doing breast exams and getting mammograms -- and pestering other women they love to do the same.

Details on the quilt:

  • Modified from Cozy Modern Quilts by Kim Schaeffer
  • 65" x 65"
  • 21 shades of pink from Robert Kaufman's Kona line
  • Phillip Jacobs fabric for lattice
  • Quilted with Lava by Superior (no rush to do that again although I love the color changes)
  • Bobbin was So Fine by Superior
  • New overall pattern I wanted to try -- learned a lot and will use again

For a giggle -- here's how I started my month!  It's given me some opportunities to talk about breast cancer to people I might not have -- servers in restaurants particularly!  I'm happy to stay they are still intact. I wasn't sure if we would get through the month together.  I now think we will.
I hope you are

Playing with fabric you love
Finding inspiration at the Bloggers Quilt Festival
Doing breast exams and getting mammograms!



  1. Wonderful quilt, wonderful post! One of my four sisters had and survived breast cancer...she is very sweet when she says she got it so we wouldn't have to (1 out of 5).

  2. A great quilt and a great post. My favourite thing? Your hair! You rock!

  3. My mother is a survivor. Your hair is awesome!

    The quilt is beautiful and I think you found the perfect print to showcase all the shades in that bundle.

  4. Great post. We should all be more aware ! Cool hair:)

  5. I love: your fun colored quilt, your compassionate posting, playing with fabric!!! thanks!

  6. Love the hair, and the quilt. Thanks for sharing so much information on BC.

  7. Beautiful quilt and post. All the pinks are great.

  8. Beautiful colours and a lovely quilt! I love that everyone get's involved ni this breast cancer awareness month helping out using their own skills. I just did a triathlon to raise money and awareness with my girls at the weekend and the sea of pink was fabulous to see!!
    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. A beautiful quilt, with an important message. Thank you for sharing both.

  10. Oh my gosh! First, I'm so happy to hear that Terri survived IBC - so few women do. :( My own mother was killed by it after enduring many many many months of nasty treatments. It cheers me to hear of a successful fight. Second, this is a really gorgeous quilt!! I've got a pack of pinks like that which I've had no idea at all what to do with. Would you mind if I do something similar some time next year?

  11. I loved that book. It was fascinating. Great quilt too.

  12. Thanks for this touching post Jan - and congratulations on a beautiful Awareness quilt. Hugs, Karen

  13. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and quilt. Linda

    Come share if you like:

  14. What a wonderful quilt for a wonderful cause! Glad you linked up to TGIFF!

  15. Terrific post on breast cancer..really got me thinking. I love the hair idea to get conversation going:)

  16. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful. And doing your hair is such a creative way to talk about breast cancer awareness month. Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday on Organized 31.

  17. I love that quilt! I love how the lattice is made with the prints and the quilting picks up the plain squares. Really effective! I also love the cause it will help. Breast cancer is a big and horrible thing amongst the women in my family. Great post!
