Let me start by saying you may want to visit her site. I generally only follow quilting blogs but I think I stumbled upon Tumblestone Handmakery on Pinterest when this incredibly cute button frame popped up one day and that led me to another button frame. Loved them but didn't repin them as that's when all the fury was going on about who has rights and "owns" the image. Nevertheless, I'd recommend you check out her blog, Tumblestone Handmakery, or through Pinterest. You won't be sorry.
So, what is the Liebster, you say?
It's an award that was created to recognize people that other bloggers are inspired by and enjoy; it's intended to show their fellow bloggers which blogs they may want to take a look at, with the logic being they will also enjoy them.
It's only given to blogs with fewer than 200 followers and is used as a vehicle to recognize smaller bloggers, irrespective of the type of blog -- quilting, crafting, cooking, whatever! The Liebster Award takes its name from the German word meaning "beloved", "dearest", and "favorite".
The tradition includes passing the award along to five bloggers who have inspired you. To accept the award, you must:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate and value - so long as they have fewer than 200 followers.
4. Leave a comment on the five blogs to let them know they have been offered this award.
Without further ado, here is my award:
The five blogs that I'm nominating are all quilting blogs but they are very varied in their approach to quilting and blogging. I think you'll like them all!
1. klein meisje quilts is written by Lynn and she posts regularly on both quilting and her life. I'm currently working on her little dollies that you'll see if you look under "An Exuberant Welcome" and she has multiple posts with the details. Like most quilters, she's generous in sharing her knowledge, both in her blog and if you email a question.
2. ~A Day at a Time~ is written by Connie and she is another prolific quilter with a lot of other interests. I have thoroughly enjoyed her posts and hints and think you will as well. Her blog is full of information. Enjoy!
3. Happy Appliquer is a treat to look at and peruse. Heather is an accomplished appliquer with a great eye for color and detail. Holy Smokes! While she pieces some, she's clearly in her element when she's appliquéing!
4. Sew-Happy House is another fun blog. Kathy is involved in lots of things and frequently sponsors giveaways. I also find her to be so supportive of me and other quilters -- I think you'll really enjoy her blog and upbeat attitude!
5. Lucy's Quilts is another blog that I follow after seeing Alicia's stained glass denim quilts. It's an easy way to put together denim and not have to sew "denim to denim" -- and she's more than happy to help you with any questions you may have. Check it out! Pretty cool....
So, thank you again to Tumblestone Handmakery! I hope you'll take a few minutes to check out some of my favorite blogs listed above....and become a follower!
I hope you're finding time to read your favorite blogs and be inspired! Jan
I am flattered that you have passed on this award to me. I will post it on my blog soon.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day.
Congratulations on this award.
ReplyDeleteI never knew about it before and its a good idea. There are so many blogs with under 200 followers that are really inspirational and well written:-)
Congratulations and thank you so much for including me!
ReplyDeleteI am honored.
Once I figure out this new blogger system (I am slow to adapt to change...) I will work to pass it on.