
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And the year comes to an end....

And, finally, here are the last three months of wallhangings.  Previous posts on these monthly wallhangings by Nancy Halvorsen are here, here, and here.
The October wallhanging of "be forgiving" has a bit of history.  My niece-the-quilter had a dog that was really a family dog and loved by all of us.  One day, while visiting, Baxter's treat didn't set well with him and he managed to find relief in one of my favorite pair of blue shoes.  It's definitely a bit of a family joke and this wallhanging was made with Baxter in mind.  He was brownish with terrier in him and the shoe is obviously blue.  His nose was a button that had to be specially ordered and the buttons for the tabs are from my grandmother's button jar.  RIP, Baxter.
November would obviously have a Thanksgiving theme and I love the harvest bounty theme and the oak leaves as wings -- not to mention the crooked halo.  The "berries" are more antique buttons that needed a good scrubbing!  I like her....
I love the message of "joy" for December.  This santa's beard is slightly padded with cotton batting for a bit of depth.  His suit and hat were actually scraps that I saved from years ago when my niece-the-quilter had created a strata from a number of red fabrics in my stash.  She was making a stocking for her boyfriend and when you make a stocking with fabrics at an angle, you have to make a pretty big piece of "fabric".  So, obviously, Aunt Jan saved the bits - knowing there would be a time to use them.  And, magically, here it was years later and was going to be on her mom's wall every December.  I like the scrappiness of his hat and suit and LOVE that it was done by a young woman who was not yet a quilter....but certainly is now!

I've said this before and I'll close this series of posts with it.  I love these but there are only a handful of people that I would have done this for.  My sister is obviously one!  The quilt out of these blocks is darling and would have been a bit easier as I had to resize some of these to make them around 15" x 18" (+/-).  Her instructions are easy to follow and I'd definitely do another one of her quilts at some point.

I hope there are special people in your life that you enjoy sharing your art with!  Jan

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Liebster? Really?

I have to say I'm a bit surprised (read "stunned") by Tumblestone Handmakery who generously nominated me for a Liebster.  I have certainly seen other bloggers nominated and have always agreed with the comments and recognition.  It never occurred to me that someone might consider I Quilt for Fun to be worthy of a bit more attention.  Thank you, Tumblestone.

Let me start by saying you may want to visit her site.  I generally only follow quilting blogs but I think I stumbled upon Tumblestone Handmakery on Pinterest when this incredibly cute button frame popped up one day and that led me to another button frame.  Loved them but didn't repin them as that's when all the fury was going on about who has rights and "owns" the image.  Nevertheless, I'd recommend you check out her blog, Tumblestone Handmakery, or through Pinterest.  You won't be sorry.

So, what is the Liebster, you say?

It's an award that was created to recognize people that other bloggers are inspired by and enjoy; it's intended to show their fellow bloggers which blogs they may want to take a look at, with the logic being they will also enjoy them.

It's only given to blogs with fewer than 200 followers and is used as a vehicle to recognize smaller bloggers, irrespective of the type of blog -- quilting, crafting, cooking, whatever!  The Liebster Award takes its name from the German word meaning "beloved", "dearest", and "favorite".

The tradition includes passing the award along to five bloggers who have inspired you.  To accept the award, you must:

1.  Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.

2.  Post the award to your blog.

3.  Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate and value - so long as they have fewer than 200 followers.

4.  Leave a comment on the five blogs to let them know they have been offered this award.

Without further ado, here is my award:

The five blogs that I'm nominating are all quilting blogs but they are very varied in their approach to quilting and blogging.  I think you'll like them all!

1.  klein meisje quilts is written by Lynn and she posts regularly on both quilting and her life.  I'm currently working on her little dollies that you'll see if you look under "An Exuberant Welcome" and she has multiple posts with the details.  Like most quilters, she's generous in sharing her knowledge, both in her blog and if you email a question.

2.  ~A Day at a Time~ is written by Connie and she is another prolific quilter with a lot of other interests.  I have thoroughly enjoyed her posts and hints and think you will as well.  Her blog is full of information.  Enjoy!

3.  Happy Appliquer is a treat to look at and peruse.  Heather is an accomplished appliquer with a great eye for color and detail.  Holy Smokes!  While she pieces some, she's clearly in her element when she's appliquéing! 

4.  Sew-Happy House is another fun blog.  Kathy is involved in lots of things and frequently sponsors giveaways.  I also find her to be so supportive of me and other quilters -- I think you'll really enjoy her blog and upbeat attitude!  

5.  Lucy's Quilts is another blog that I follow after seeing Alicia's stained glass denim quilts.  It's an easy way to put together denim and not have to sew "denim to denim" -- and she's more than happy to help you with any questions you may have.  Check it out!  Pretty cool....

So, thank you again to Tumblestone Handmakery!  I hope you'll take a few minutes to check out some of my favorite blogs listed above....and become a follower!

I hope you're finding time to read your favorite blogs and be inspired!  Jan

Friday, April 13, 2012


Here are an additional three months of wallhangings from Nancy Halverson's Be Attitude quilt .  If you missed the background and first posts on these, you can read about them here and here.

The month of July wasn't patriotic as expected but was about honesty and featured a special little button that looked like butterscotch candy that could be ordered.  Without it (or something in her hand), it just wouldn't work.  I did this one with 30's scraps.
I liked the August block but don't think my fabric choices necessarily did it justice.  It's a pretty basic block to being with and not many design elements.  Once again, I was able to get something out of the cedar chest and repurpose it.  I had been hanging on to one of our mothers' blouses that I always loved for some reason.  It was a little white short-sleeved Villager blouse that she had monogrammed.  Since her birthday was in August and her faith was extremely important to her, it seemed appropriate to cut out the monogram and appliqué it to the back -- complete with some of the tucks.  So, one more thing got used in a way that has meaning (at least to me) and isn't in the cedar chest waiting for my son to pull out and wonder what in the world to do with it!

September carried a back to school theme and the buttons for the tabs were from my old wool camel "car coat".  How's that for dating myself.  I have no idea why I still had it but it is no more!  I suspect more than half the people reading this will have no idea what a car coat even is.  The buttons for the berries were from my grandmother's button jar and I obviously caught a glare from the shiny red one.  I really like them but they had to be scrubbed to be used.  Just a tad dirty from sitting around for so many years!

We're lucky enough to be in Wisconsin babysitting for a few days and there's not much "new" sewing going on here!  Just grammie loving, a bit of laundry, and maybe cutting some scraps before the day is over. 

I hope you're finding time to stitch or create or repurpose!  Jan

Thursday, April 5, 2012

First Break All the Rules!


I love this quilt but it took every ounce of effort I had to "let go" and let it flow.  This is from Victoria at Bumblebeans and is her Waverunner quilt.  I fell in love with it when I first saw it and knew that I wanted to make one.  But I had no solids.  What's quilter to do?
Buy solids, of course! So when it was my turn to host a challenge for MacQuilts and Mom22smartchix, I bought nine different solids (Moda and Kona) and we each took 1/3 yard.  We could then add up to 4 different fabrics to the collection but you had to use every fabric in whatever quilt you chose.
Unfortunately, I cannot convey the look on MacQuilts face when she saw the solids--and especially the tan and dark brownish-burgundy.  She is a batik and Kaffe girl for the most part and it was priceless.  "Horror" is slightly overstated -- but not by much.  She added a great batik and made very modern quilted placemats which are used daily and the back has the scary fabrics on the back.  Clever!
Mom22smartchix made an incredible Amish themed quilt which still needs to be quilted and will also be spectacular when it's done.
For me -- this was hard.  I am pretty focused on good process and quality control so letting go and following the "waverunner way" took some getting used to.
Cut on a straight line?  Goodness no!
Press not iron?  Heck no -- steam the fire out of it!  Make it fit!
Measure twice and cut once?  Why would you do that?
If a block doesn't work, rip it out and redo?  Of course not. Add a strip!
1/4" seam allowance?  Sort of!
Square up blocks before sewing?  Well you could, but why bother?
Follow a pattern?  Why?  This is yours!
Same fabrics can't touch?  Are you nuts!  Who cares if yellow and cheddar are side by side!
Amidst the dogwood petals that are letting go this morning.  Alas....they were beautiful.

In the end -- this was a blast and I love the quilt.  It's bound in red and I smile every single time I see it.  I'm not exactly sure why I waited six months to bind it -- that was silly now that it's emerged again.   There are a few tucks in it and once I wash it, I believe that the crinkles of washing will really blend with the quilting.

This little gem will be entered in this spring's Bloggers Quilt Festival sponsored by Amy's Creative Side.  Have a go at it if you've never had a chance to see what she does. It's amazing and there is so much inspiration over there, it will make your head spin.  Seriously!

I hope you're having a wonderful day and following the rules if that makes you happy or making your own rules if that's even more fun.  I get it!  Jan