
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


What happened?  Or better phrased, what didn't happen?  We're a third of the way through January and a tornado has hit my sewing room.  This is what I walk into -- and it's all my doing and I sort of like it (actually, I love it!).
 Disarray everywhere.  
 What have I been doing?  Throwing stuff in the floor to see how much it will hold.
 My Kaffe stash that I'm using to pull fabrics for a Lollypop that I hope to finish (the block -- not the quilt!) by the end of the month.
My Orca Bay that I'm a bit tired of. I like it but I don't love it and it's bulky with so many strings.  I'm thrilled that it's from my stash and most of this did not have to be cut at all as I already had strings, blocks, and strips in the right size/color.  I'll get it done....the borders are already finished and hanging in the closet.
 My little alcove.  Books, scraps, magazines, chair (not for sitting but for stacking more stuff on), a previous Lollypop that was a learning experience and will become a pillow, I think.  Strings/crumbs sorted by color in plastic drapery bags (unzipped). 
 Cutting table with Lollypop in process.  I'm trying the gluing down method that many wax eloquently about. Slower but may be more accurate.  Will know soon enough.
 My throne!  Two little charity quilts to be basted, quilted, and bound.  
Last year's mystery (Roll Roll Cotton Boll) that is staring at me from under the table.  One long day and it will be finished.  Just have to finish the border strips and sew strings.   Someday.  Not today.

My little stash -- paltry by the standards of most of you but I love every inch and scrap.

So what have I been doing besides flinging quilty things all over my little room...why, I've been sitting in my chair reading quilt magazines, making lists, dreaming, reading blogs on my laptop or iPad, looking at my fabric and planning....just not doing.

I hope you have had a more productive week and if not, I hope you've enjoyed not having anything to show for it as much as I have.  I'm sure I'm poised to get my act in gear.....

Keep piecing (or flinging!).  Jan


  1. Sounds like fun. I love your stash organization... and that you have one piece hanging down... You love to look at that one, I can tell. I've got big storage tubs filled with fabric I can't see and it's hard to get to it.
    I love your quilts, and the parts. I store my UFO's in "trays" - cut parts of boxes that I get from Costco. It works great to keep all the parts together and away from other PIPs.
    Since you quilt for fun, it is up to you to decide how fast or slow you are going to work... so Good Job! You are doing everything right!

  2. Looks like a perfectly normal sewing space to me! I have just rearranged my stash so that it is easier to see: isn't it lovely to have everything so close to hand :)

  3. I see that you work somewhat like I do. With piles of fabric on the floor.

  4. It's a sign of true creativity! Love your blog.
