
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Small Blog Meet

What a great idea!  Lily's Quilts is hosting a Small Blog Meet (among other things) for newer blogs with 50 or fewer followers.  In the consideration of how one might participate is to share a little about yourself and why you blog.

That's a great question and has led me to think about why I started this late last year.  In reality, I had two purposes.  One was to see if I liked it (and apparently I like it well enough that I try to post every week and marvel at those of you that post every day or multiple times a week).  The other was I knew that retirement was close and I would be leaving Chicago and all my quilting friends and community to go to an area that was not nearly so robust in quilting.  I am on the precipice of that very move tomorrow so the timing of my reflections is perfect.

I have gotten so much more from blogging than I expected...

  1. I have learned so many different techniques that I wouldn't have been exposed to
  2. I have seen incredible quilts that I absolutely wouldn't have been exposed to
  3. I have found a sense of community that I am going to need in a matter of days
  4. I have tried (and sometimes abandoned) things I have seen
  5. I have bought fabric and tools that I might not have learned of elsewhere
  6. I have stretched and slowly shared a bit more of my personal self over the months
  7. I have developed a deeper appreciation and admiration for the creativity, generosity, and wealth of knowledge that exists among quilters.  Wow!
The intent is exposure -- so I would encourage readers to link to Lily's site (via the link above or the button on the right) and not only admire her work and what she is doing for the newer quilting community -- but also try the list of smaller blogs to see if you'd like to be a follower.  I don't believe in "following for following's sake" -- not every blog is a fit nor is there time to read them.  But there are gems out there and this is a way to "test drive" a blog you might not have found on your own.

Keep piecing -- Jan (who needs to change her profile as I'm not sure I am a "new blogger" any longer)


  1. What positive news! I liked reading this post!

  2. Hello, I've come hereb from Lily's and look forward to reading your blog. Good luck with tomorrow's move.

  3. I enjoy your blog and like your reasons for blogging. I think my blogging keeps me motivated to keep finishing my UFOs and projects that I've started. I also love all of the new friends I have made. Best wishes to you as you enjoy your retirement and God bless you as you make the move for KY and look for a new home.

  4. Welcome to blog land. I'm new to all this computer stuff too. :):) I love blogging and meeting new people. I'm so inspired by everyone around me. I hope to be friends with you too. And inspire each other. Hugs --Sandie

  5. Hi,

    I've found you through Lily's Small Blog Meet. I totally agree with your idea of quilting as therapy. Good Luck with your move and new stage of life.

  6. I found you through Lily's SBM. Good luck on your stepping into retirement. Remember that all transitions - even the good, planned ones - can be stressful, so embrace it and look for all things new and different...and keep quilting and blogging!

  7. Have really enjoyed wandering around your blog - you've been making some wonderful quilts and have such interesting things to read. I'll be back again soon:)

  8. Hello, I found you at Lily's and look forward to reading your blog!

  9. I just retired myself and am looking forward to expanding my blogging and quilting further. Sharing is so much a part of quilting. Thanks for your blog! The Small Blog meet is a great way to get aquainted.
