
Saturday, December 6, 2014

And now there are 10...

......and "only" six to go.  ONLY.  Only?  Only.  No matter how I say it -- it's still six blocks and I'm not working on any of them right now.  My goal to get Kim McLean's Lollypop Quilt appliqued this year won't happen. So - "maybe" 2015. MAYBE. Maybe? Maybe.
Nevertheless, I do love this quilt and I will finish it -- and the border blocks too! It will be huge. It will be a terror to quilt.  It will be a quilt I keep forever. It will be done!
I'd like to say I've accomplished all matter of other things. Not the case. I have started a lot of things -- including the mystery quilt by Bonnie Hunter. Here are the remnants of step 1. Step 2 is about half done.

I have a few things I have to get done by Christmas so I'll work on the mystery quilt as much as I can - but I'm going to have to start focusing on gifts and commitments (not to mention Christmas, baking, decorating, and the best -- family).

I hope you are enjoying the holidays - finishing a few things - starting new things - and loving every minute of it!



  1. This quilt looks beautiful...can't wait to see it 2015....X

  2. I love seeing those blocks. I've got photos of lots of Kim's quilts on my iPad, with the intention of making one one day. Sometimes we need to let our goals slip slightly. As long as it's still an active project I don't think it matters. I hope you enjoy making the next block too.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your words... quite witty. :-) You are courageous to make so big a quilt with appliqués and I can only salute your determination.
    Yes, I'm busy with preparations for the holidays (mostly making gifts) and I'm enjoying it. Thank you.

  4. visiting from sew many ways. Love this. amazing

  5. A lollipop tree is on my wish list to do...they just look so fun!

  6. So love seeing your updates on these blocks! When you finish this one, it will be spectacular!!

    Congrats on getting through so much on the BH Mystery!

  7. Love your lollipop tree block, it will be a wonderful quilt.

  8. Love your lollipop tree block, it will be a wonderful quilt.

  9. The Lollipop Tree quilt is so cool. It's perfect for a very long term friend to work on. :) Looks like those are the dog ear trimmings from the mystery? Like you, I've got too many Christmas things (and quilting of Christmas tops) to do for much Mystery work at the moment. I'm happy just to get the clue cut out and a handful of pieces put together so that after Christmas I can go crazy and catch it up.

  10. Your Lollypop blocks look great! Keep on your path and you will finish this gorgeous quilt. Slow and steady wins the race. :)

  11. You sound just like me! Love the lollypop quilt block!

  12. I have enjoyed seeing all the blocks for this project. So cheerful! Are you going to use the cutoff triangles ?

  13. I made it half way through step two too...hope to tackle ten per day in the evenings between now and Friday, we shall see!

  14. I love applique and you are very talented! Hope you finish the quilt!

  15. Jan, that's really a fantastic applique block! Bold and fun!
    You really made me laugh with your progression of "Nevertheless, I do love this quilt and I will finish it -- and the border blocks too! It will be huge. It will be a terror to quilt. It will be a quilt I keep forever. It will be done!"

  16. Love, love, love your Lollipop block. Such fun colors.

  17. Your block is so pretty! I've been working on the mystery quilt. Along with about 5 other projects! :)

  18. I am loving your lollipop blocks! You can't worry about the whole thing at once. Just take it one block at a time and worry about the quilting once you get there. It never ends up being as difficult as you think it's going to be.

  19. Gorgeous block! You are almost done -- you can do it! :)

  20. What a beautiful block! Keep it up, you can get it done!

  21. It's a pile of purple polka dot pieces! :D (I'm so very easily amused!) As long as you're enjoying your Lollypop Quilt, taking it at the pace it wants to go isn't a bad thing. Good luck for 2015!
