Monday, May 20, 2013

Sometimes it's not "just fabric"

So, you know how we justify using that special piece of fabric we love or have been saving? We say things like "it's just fabric" -- and we're a point.  I do not feel that way about these fabrics.
I adore them.  I revere them.  I want to do them justice.
They are Daiwabo fabrics from Japan.  I don't really know a lot about their history but I do know that very few mills produce them and they are muted with a "taupe" overtone.  The patterns and designs are amazing.  I have never ever felt this way about fabric before - Kaffe, Cherrywoods, batiks, anything.
When I was working on these blocks, I trimmed them each to 5.5" to square them up, ripped out those that weren't quite right, and re-made the blocks.  Not to mention starching them into submission.  Love the fabrics - don't love the raveling!
I ended up keeping one of my seam rippers at the ironing board so I could rip out whatever made me unhappy right there before I pressed it.  I was not in a hurry.  The strips finish at 1/2" and much variation shows a lot -- as you can see in a few of the blocks.
This is a terrible picture of the finished top -- the wind would not cooperate.  So, I'll just say that the borders are much larger and mitered and leave it at that.
How did I come to have these wonderful fabrics? Well, that's another story for another post.  In the meantime, I'm waiting for a calm day to take a picture of the quilt top so I can do it justice.

I hope you have fabric in your stash that you adore.  It's so fun when you start to use it!

Keep piecing (and ripping!),



Living to work - working to live said...

Hello. I love those colours too. I love the brights but somehow these seem so restful.

FabricFascination said...

Those are beautiful fabrics, and you made a wonderful quilt with them.

claudia said...

I really like the quilt. You have done those beautiful fabrics justice!

Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said...

I think that this pattern shows off the fabrics really well. I think you have certainly done them justice.

:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

Jenny said...

Your fabrics are stunning, I would love to find them in NZ but not sure if they are available.
Some searching ahead I think.
Cheers jenny

Wendy said...

What an awesome quilt! Fabrics are stunning and so elegant. Cheers Wendy.

Dolores said...

Love the quilt. How big is it and how did you come up with the pattern?

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Those are beautiful fabrics and what a neat quilt! Thanks for sharing.
Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

Anne Marieke said...

Japanese taupe fabrics are absolutely beautiful. And so is your quilt!

Check out the Japanese degigns that use the taupe fabrics and I'm sure you will want to stitch them.

jjthor said...

Really beautiful! I love seeing the quilts you make always gives me good ideas!!

Emily Thompson said...

that quilt is amazing! You're right the fabric is lovely!!! You make SO many amazing quilts... I'm in awe :o) Thanks for linking up to Tasteful Tuesdays and for the link back :o) Can't wait to see what you bring next week. Emily @ Nap-Time Creations
oh, and I just posted looking for some help with my blog... maybe you can offer some advice?

JOY @ said...

The first thing I thought of when I saw your first picture was argyle. With the darker colors and small strip, the pattern should be called argyle. I certainly know what you mean about holding on to fabrics. Why in the world did I buy fabric years ago if I can't bring myself to using use it? Always enJOYing your blog.

Lisa said...

This is gorgeous! I love the pattern!

M-R Charbonneau said...

It's looking great so far, Jan!

Marla said...

This is so pretty. I like how you set them on point. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF :)

LuAnn said...

You definitely did these fabrics justice! What a beautiful quilt!

Sarah Craig said...

Absolutely gorgeous, Jan! Whoop whoop!!

Schulz Family said...

visiting from sew many ways. This is amazing. I love fabrics from japan. So much texture, so subtle. I now want want to make a quilt like this. Stunning.

laura west kong said...

I love Daiwabo fabrics. I tend to use them as soon as I get a chance and then hoard my scraps cause they're not that easy to come by.

I love your pattern choice, fabulous job!

Ally said...

Hi, such a beautiful quilt. I am very new to quilting and saw your blog on Sew Many Ways. I am now following you and can't wait to see your next project.


Jill said...

OH my goodness - another GORGEOUS quilt - your work leaves me speechless!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Nann said...

I bought The Most Beautiful Fabric in the World earlier this year. (At least it's THMFITW until I find something even more beautiful.) I will likely use a pattern like yours that really shows it off. But meanwhile I keep petting it.

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

What a beautiful quilt! : )

Kate said...

Beautiful use of all those lovely fabrics!

AnnieO said...

Gorgeous! I like the mix of colors and prints and all the energy this quilt has.

Rhonda R. said...

These are such beautiful fabrics and the pattern you chose really shows them off. What a pretty quilt.